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The Renewables for All advocacy project was undertaken to help create the policy settings and regulatory and market context that allows all Australians, no matter their income or living arrangements, to be able to directly benefit from clean energy solutions such as solar PV, storage and energy efficiency.

Specifically, through this project we advocated to governments to develop programs and support innovation in new social enterprise business models that increase access to clean energy for low-income households, renters, apartment dwellers and homeowners without solar access.

Through a series of discussion papers, state-based workshops in NSW, Qld, Vic, SA and the ACT a series of priority models were identified that show promise for increasing clean energy affordability and accessibility to those who most need it.

This project resulted in six policy briefing papers that set out what governments can do to support renewables for all.

Renewables for All – A Priority Energy Policy Agenda for Australia

Solar Gardens

Rates-based financing and Rent-based financing

Community owned renewable energy 

Mini Grids and embedded networks

Initiative lead: Community Power Agency

Initiative partners: Starfish Initiatives, Solar Share, Energetic Communities, Conservation Council of South Australia

Initiative funder: Energy Consumers Australia