The orchestra are tuning their instruments, the singers are going through their pre-show exercises – Congress 2017 is about to begin! For those who’ve been waiting to get tickets, this is a show you don’t want to miss. Get them here!
It’s been over 2.5 yrs since the last Congress in Canberra, and much has changed in the world of community energy. The fact that over 500 of us are gathering in Melbourne next week for the biggest community energy event this country has ever seen is testament to that!
Last week we sent out the second targeted participant email, so if you didn’t receive it, let us know. We’ll be sending out a final email tomorrow, so watch your inboxes!
In this newsletter we cover:
- One woman’s inspirational journey to Congress 2017 – Kresta Lokumarambage
- ATA’s Speed Dating sessions
- Hepburn Wind Tour
- Business Model Development
- Climate Council Lunch
- Geli Happy Hour
- And more…
We look forward to seeing you in Melbourne next week!
Nicky and Steve
Congress 2017 Organising Team
Congress by Numbers
Just in case you’re still on the fence about whether to come to the Congress, here’s some stats about what is happening:
- Two days (plus a day either side if you’re keen)
- 500+ people
- Five plenaries
- Twelve breakout sessions
- Four inspiring international keynote speakers
- Four political leaders
- Fifty eight presenters
- Over 25 Aboriginal leaders and community members
- Twenty side events
- Nineteen sponsors
- Ten partner organisations
- More than 20 media stories so far (and the Congress hasn’t even started)
The Community Energy Congress is action oriented, participatory and for those who are interested in creating a just and speedy transition to clean energy – not to be missed!
Speed Date a Community Energy Expert: Register Now!
As part of the Community Energy Congress, the Alternative Technology Association is happy to present Speed Date a Community Energy Expert. Speed dating will run across the two days of the Congress and will offer free personalised advice from experts on the financial, legal, community engagement, and technical aspects of getting a community energy scheme up and running. Read about the experts and register here for your 30-minute, one-on-one ‘date’ and make the most of the chance to talk to experts in the field and people who’ve done it all before.
Special thanks must go to the sponsors of this event: Flex & the Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals.
Hepburn Wind Tour
This Sunday! Join us in visiting Australia’s first community energy project at Hepburn Wind.
The tour will include:
- A panel discussion featuring international keynote Soren Hermansen discussing zero-net energy transitions with Kate Auty and Ed McManus.
- Local live music
- Visits inside our turbines thanks to Meridian
- $10 entry / members and kids free if pre-booked, $15 tickets on the door
- Lunch options from Spade to Blade from $16 – $18
- Picnic optional, coffee and tea cart on site plus Ice Cream Social van
- Marquee and shade provided by Under Sky
Lunch by local slow food specialists Spade to Blade (must be booked by EOD Wednesday 22/2)
Please register via the event page here.
Reminder: Future Super can discount your ticket
Don’t forget that Future Super is offering a $100 discount off the Congress registration price.
Future Super is Australia’s first 100% fossil fuel free super fund and the world’s first carbon neutral pension fund. They invest in positive, profitable and sustainable activities, including Australian renewable energy projects.
Is your super still in fossil fuels? Make the switch to Future Super in minutes and claim your Congress discount.
Current Future Super members should contact Future Super to receive your discount code.
Training: Business Model Development
“A Business Model is the rationale of how an organisation creates, delivers and captures value”
This workshop is aimed at creating a common understanding of using the Business Model Canvas – a framework of value creation used all over the world from startups to large organisations – to map your current energy project and understand the success behind the best community energy projects.
This workshop will be run by one of Australia’s leading experts and trainers in the Business Model Canvas – Ben Hamley from Business Model Inc. In Australia, they have worked extensively with social impact organisations and enterprises through the Social Ventures Incubator, School of Social Entrepreneurs, FYA and others. Get more info and register here.
Climate Council Lunch: People Re-Powering Australian Cities
The Climate Council invites you to hear from Australian community energy experts and not-for-profit leaders while enjoying a complimentary lunch. Please register your interest in attending here.
The event is being held the day after the Congress (Wed 1st March). Over lunch you’ll hear from three panelists about how Australian community groups, local councils and a range of towns and cities can advocate for and lead the switch to clean energy in Australia. There will be plenty of time for discussion and a Q&A session.
The Panel
- Amanda Mckenzie, CEO, Climate Council
- Alison Rowe, CEO, Moreland Energy Foundation.
- Dan Spencer, Senior Campaigner, Solar Citizens and Repower Port Augusta
Introducing Kresta Lokumarambage
Kresta Lokumarambage is a remarkable young woman, who I was lucky enough to meet late last year at a Clean Energy Designathon organised by WWF. From growing up in Western Sydney and volunteering for Oxfam to organising the Women’s March in Sydney, Kresta is passionate about creating a better world. After the Designathon, Kresta became inspired by community energy and, excited about the Congress, but lacking the funds to attend, Kresta got in touch with her local MP, Jo Haylen (NSW Member for Summer Hill) and asked for her help. After inviting Kresta to meet and talk about community energy and on the promise of reporting back about the Congress, Jo has provided financial assistance for Kresta to attend Congress 2017. It’s an inspirational story that we just couldn’t help sharing with you.
Congress After Party

Looking to debrief the event with fellow attendees? Following the closing plenary, Geli invites you to unwind and enjoy a cold drink.
When: 5pm – 7pm, Tuesday 28 February.
Where: Location to be announced at the Final Plenary.
Stay informed.
Join our mailing list and we’ll keep you up-to-date with the congress as it approaches.